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Extravagant Grace
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    Wednesday, May 27, 2009

    Organization Tip: Daily folders in bookmarks

    One little time saver that I recently learned was to save my favorites in folders for each day of the week. So, safelists and other advertising sources I want to visit on Mondays are all in Monday's folder. I am also a member of so many networking sites, it's hard to keep up. Many of them PAY, so of course I don't want to miss those!

    I can right click on the folder of the day and select "open all in tabs," and VOILA! All of my sites for the day are open. If you try to open too many, Firefox will warn you that it may affect performance. If you have a lot that it becomes a problem you can separate by Monday Morning, Morning Afternoon, Morning Evening. It's still a huge time saver, versus opening each one individually.

    Whenever possible, keep your username and password the same, at least for the same type of site. For example, you might use one username/password combination for all of your safelists, and another combination for Traffic Exchanges, etc.

    I will be adding links to my favorite paying social networking sites, favorite Safelists, Text Ad Exchanges, and Traffic exchanges very soon. Stay tuned!



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